Kdevelop-Subversion error

GK gk_ulm at web.de
Tue Feb 22 09:10:47 GMT 2005


I'm working with Kdevelop 3.1.92 and included subversion support.
If I want to commit a changed file to svn I receive the error "Working 
copy '/path_to_file/file' locked".
Commiting via external tool "eSvn" works perfect.

The output of kdevelop (on the console) looks like:

kdevelop (cpp support): ======> code model has the file: 
/path_to_file/changed_file = true
kdevelop: dirpath /path_to_file/.svn/true
kdevelop: entries /path_to_file/.svn/entriestrue
kdevelop: contextMenu()
kdevelop: Requested for an EditorContext
kdevelop (core):  List has 2 elements.
QObject::connect: No such slot subversionPart::slotAddToIgnoreList()
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'unnamed')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'Subversion')
QObject::connect: No such slot subversionPart::slotRemoveFromIgnoreList()
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'unnamed')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'Subversion')
kdevelop: servURL : svn+http://blah/
kdevelop: commiting : file:/path_to_file/changed_file
kio (KIOJob): kio_uiserver registered
kdevelop: commiting : file:/path_to_file/changed_file
kio (KIOJob): error 63 Working copy '/path_to_file' locked
kio (KDirWatch): Processing FAM event (FAMChanged, .svn, Req 16)
kio (KDirWatch): KDirWatch-1 emitting dirty /path_to_file
kio (KDirListerCache): [void KDirListerCache::slotFileDirty(const 
QString&)] /path_to_file
kio (KDirListerCache): [void KDirListerCache::updateDirectory(const 
KURL&)] file:/path_to_file
kio (KDirListerCache): [void KDirListerCache::updateDirectory(const 
KURL&)] Killed = false
kio (KDirListerCache): [void KDirListerCache::updateDirectory(const 
KURL&)] update started in file:/path_to_file
kio (KDirListerCache): [void 
KDirListerCache::slotUpdateResult(KIO::Job*)] finished update 
kmdi: KMdiChildView::activate() called!

What is really strange is the line "...svn+http://blah/". Where does 
this "blah" come frome ??

I hope somebody has an idea what's going wrong here....

thanks in advance...GERD...
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