kdevelop 3.2 bottom dock window changed ?
Amilcar do Carmo Lucas
amilcar at ida.ing.tu-bs.de
Wed Apr 6 13:26:58 BST 2005
> Hi,
> What I'd like to have is the bottom dock window taking the complete
> width and the right dock window (with the qmake manager tab) *not*
> taking over the whole height and thus overlapping the bottom dock. In
> 3.1.2 this was the case. I can't seem to change this behaviour using
> the small square in the top right corner.
It is a kdelib (KMDI module) regression. Please report it at bugs.kde.org
using the kdelibs product and the kmdi module.
Amilcar Lucas
Current webmaster
The KDevelop project
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