kdevelop3 eats all memory
Anders Sandholm
asandholm at spray.se
Mon Nov 15 14:24:16 GMT 2004
Kevelop has worked perfect but suddenly (today when I started to work at
my university workstation) it just started to eat up all the memory.
i started it from the bash shell and it printed the following, hope it
help. Any idé what it is? I have tried to reinstall it, but same
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Starting core application
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading Settings
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Make frontend
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Application frontend
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Diff frontend
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Source formatter
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: FullScreen
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Tip of the Day
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: User-Interface
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Window Closer
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Editor Selection
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Application Wizard
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: CVS Integration
kdevelop (core): Registering Version Control System: CVS
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Python Scripting
kdevelop (python scripting): Init kdevelopc
kdevelop (python scripting): Init pydcopc
kdevelop (python scripting): import kdevelop
kdevelop (python scripting): from init import *
kdevelop (python scripting): New dom document: <!DOCTYPE kpartgui SYSTEM
<kpartgui version="1" name="editorpart" >
<Menu name="tools" >
<Action name="toolsPython action 1" />
kdevelop (python scripting):
kdevelop (python scripting): New dom document: <!DOCTYPE kpartgui SYSTEM
<kpartgui version="1" name="editorpart" >
<Menu name="tools" >
<Action name="toolsPython action 1" />
<Action name="toolsPython action 2" />
kdevelop (python scripting):
kdevelop (python scripting): New dom document: <!DOCTYPE kpartgui SYSTEM
<kpartgui version="1" name="editorpart" >
<Menu name="tools" >
<Action name="toolsPython action 1" />
<Action name="toolsPython action 2" />
<Action name="toolsPython action 3" />
kdevelop (python scripting):
Connecting kdevelop3-20112/KDevCore/projectClosed()
PyDCOP connect kdevelop3-20112/KDevCore/projectClosed()/f1() has result
Connecting kdevelop3-20112/KDevCore/projectOpened()
PyDCOP connect kdevelop3-20112/KDevCore/projectOpened()/f2() has result
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Valgrind Frontend
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Shell Filtering and
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Abbreviation Expansion
kdevelop (abbrev): =========> sourceFiles:
kdevelop (abbrev): ===> load file:
kdevelop (abbrev): ===> load file:
kdevelop (abbrev): fn =
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes
h,H,hh,hxx,hpp,inl,tlh,c,C,cc,cpp,c++,cxx,m,mm,M and name ife
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes
h,H,hh,hxx,hpp,inl,tlh,c,C,cc,cpp,c++,cxx,m,mm,M and name pr
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes
h,H,hh,hxx,hpp,inl,tlh,c,C,cc,cpp,c++,cxx,m,mm,M and name whileb
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes
h,H,hh,hxx,hpp,inl,tlh,c,C,cc,cpp,c++,cxx,m,mm,M and name pu
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes
h,H,hh,hxx,hpp,inl,tlh,c,C,cc,cpp,c++,cxx,m,mm,M and name switchb
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes
h,H,hh,hxx,hpp,inl,tlh,c,C,cc,cpp,c++,cxx,m,mm,M and name pro
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes
h,H,hh,hxx,hpp,inl,tlh,c,C,cc,cpp,c++,cxx,m,mm,M and name forb
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes
h,H,hh,hxx,hpp,inl,tlh,c,C,cc,cpp,c++,cxx,m,mm,M and name classd
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes
h,H,hh,hxx,hpp,inl,tlh,c,C,cc,cpp,c++,cxx,m,mm,M and name structd
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes
h,H,hh,hxx,hpp,inl,tlh,c,C,cc,cpp,c++,cxx,m,mm,M and name ifb
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes p,pp,pas,dpr and name
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes p,pp,pas,dpr and name
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes p,pp,pas,dpr and name
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes p,pp,pas,dpr and name
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes p,pp,pas,dpr and name
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes p,pp,pas,dpr and name
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes p,pp,pas,dpr and name
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes p,pp,pas,dpr and name
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes p,pp,pas,dpr and name
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes p,pp,pas,dpr and name
kdevelop (abbrev): creating template for suffixes html and name tab
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Regular Expression
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Tools menu addition
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Subversion
kdevelop (core): Registering Version Control System: Subversion
QObject::connect: No such slot subversionPart::slotActionAdd()
QObject::connect: (sender name: 'subversion_add')
QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'Subversion')
QObject::connect: No such slot subversionPart::slotActionRemove()
QObject::connect: (sender name: 'subversion_remove')
QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'Subversion')
QObject::connect: No such slot
QObject::connect: (sender name: 'subversion_ignore')
QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'Subversion')
QObject::connect: No such slot
QObject::connect: (sender name: 'subversion_donot_ignore')
QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'Subversion')
QObject::connect: No such slot
QObject::connect: (sender name: 'unnamed')
QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'Subversion')
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Grep Frontend
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Search-Select-Replace
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Text Structure
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Part Explorer tool
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: "Open with" menu addon
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: File Selector
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x84a96a0
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Documentation
kdevelop3: [ConfigWidgetProxy::ConfigWidgetProxy(KDevCore*)]
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x85b2610
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: Embedded Konsole
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading plugin: History Support
kdevelop (history): history-length=0
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Starting GUI
kdevelop (core): SPLASH: message=Loading Project
kdevelop (core): Looing for CreateFile support
kdevelop3: [ConfigWidgetProxy::ConfigWidgetProxy(KDevCore*)]
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x8668120
kdevelop (core): CreateFile support loaded OK
kdevelop (core): Looking for language support for C++
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x887ccb0
kdevelop (core): projectDir: /home/andsa/filter/filter projectName:
kdevelop (trollproject): Parsing /home/andsa/filter/filter/filter.pro
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevdistpart
kdevelop (cpp support): DistpartPart::DistpartPart()
kdevelop3: New Statefalse
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevBookmarks
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x889e168
kdevelop3: [ConfigWidgetProxy::ConfigWidgetProxy(KDevCore*)]
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevClassView
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x896f190
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevCTags
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevQuickOpen
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevClearCase
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevFileGroups
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x899f528
kdevelop3: [ConfigWidgetProxy::ConfigWidgetProxy(KDevCore*)]
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevDebugger
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x89abe70
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part
kdevelop (core): ignoreParts because Keyword doesn't match:
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevDoxygen
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevPerforce
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevFileView
kdevelop (file view): Requested FileTree for: /home/andsa/filter/filter
kdevelop (file view): FileTreeViewWidgetImpl::FileTreeViewWidgetImpl()
kdevelop (file view): StdFileTreeWidgetImpl::StdFileTreeWidgetImpl()
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x8a543d0
kdevelop3: [ConfigWidgetProxy::ConfigWidgetProxy(KDevCore*)]
kdevelop (file view): FileTreeWidget::openDirectory():
kdevelop (file view): files added to project: 109
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (core): [virtual void PartController::editDocument(const KURL&,
int, int)] file:/home/andsa/filter/filter/src/Gaussian.h linenum 46
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-chdr
kdevelop (core): factory = 0x8a6c848
kdevelop (core): Encoding: , extension: 0x8ac4400
kdevelop3: void MainWindow::slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)
kdevelop3: slotCurrentChanged***********************************+
kdevelop (core): *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged() -- OK
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/filter/filter/src
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (history): history-length=1
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): PartController::contextPopupMenu() will return
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): EditorProxy::installPopup called with popup =
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile
kdevelop (core): [virtual void PartController::editDocument(const KURL&,
int, int)] file:/home/andsa/filter/filter/src/Gaussian.cpp linenum 272
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-c++src
kdevelop (core): factory = 0x8a6c848
kdevelop (core): Encoding: , extension: 0x8bb6b08
kdevelop3: void MainWindow::slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)
kdevelop3: slotCurrentChanged***********************************+
kdevelop (core): *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged() -- OK
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/filter/filter/src
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (history): history-length=2
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): PartController::contextPopupMenu() will return
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): EditorProxy::installPopup called with popup =
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile
kdevelop (core): [virtual void PartController::editDocument(const KURL&,
int, int)] file:/home/andsa/filter/filter/src/Convolution.cpp linenum 22
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-c++src
kdevelop (core): factory = 0x8a6c848
kdevelop (core): Encoding: , extension: 0x8c41c98
kdevelop3: void MainWindow::slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)
kdevelop3: slotCurrentChanged***********************************+
kdevelop (core): *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged() -- OK
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/filter/filter/src
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (history): history-length=3
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): PartController::contextPopupMenu() will return
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): EditorProxy::installPopup called with popup =
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile
kdevelop (core): [virtual void PartController::editDocument(const KURL&,
int, int)] file:/home/andsa/filter/filter/src/Convolution.h linenum 36
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-chdr
kdevelop (core): factory = 0x8a6c848
kdevelop (core): Encoding: , extension: 0x8cea458
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop3: void MainWindow::slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)
kdevelop3: slotCurrentChanged***********************************+
kdevelop (core): *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged() -- OK
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/filter/filter/src
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (history): history-length=4
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): PartController::contextPopupMenu() will return
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): EditorProxy::installPopup called with popup =
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile
kdevelop (core): [virtual void PartController::editDocument(const KURL&,
int, int)] file:/home/andsa/filter/filter/src/DualLaplacian.cpp linenum
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-c++src
kdevelop (core): factory = 0x8a6c848
kdevelop (core): Encoding: , extension: 0x8d5d818
kdevelop3: void MainWindow::slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)
kdevelop3: slotCurrentChanged***********************************+
kdevelop (core): *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged() -- OK
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/filter/filter/src
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (history): history-length=5
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): PartController::contextPopupMenu() will return
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): EditorProxy::installPopup called with popup =
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile
kdevelop (core): [virtual void PartController::editDocument(const KURL&,
int, int)] file:/home/andsa/filter/filter/membranView/membranView.cpp
linenum 225
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-c++src
kdevelop (core): factory = 0x8a6c848
kdevelop (core): Encoding: , extension: 0x8ddc410
kdevelop3: void MainWindow::slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)
kdevelop3: slotCurrentChanged***********************************+
kdevelop (core): *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged() -- OK
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/filter/filter/membranView
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (history): history-length=6
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): PartController::contextPopupMenu() will return
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): EditorProxy::installPopup called with popup =
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile
kdevelop (core): [virtual void PartController::editDocument(const KURL&,
int, int)] file:/home/andsa/filter/filter/src/filterVolume.cpp linenum
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-c++src
kdevelop (core): factory = 0x8a6c848
kdevelop (core): Encoding: , extension: 0x8e57638
kdevelop3: void MainWindow::slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)
kdevelop3: slotCurrentChanged***********************************+
kdevelop (core): *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged() -- OK
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/filter/filter/src
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (history): history-length=7
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): PartController::contextPopupMenu() will return
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): EditorProxy::installPopup called with popup =
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile
kdevelop (core): [virtual void PartController::editDocument(const KURL&,
int, int)] file:/home/andsa/filter/filter/src/Interpolation.h linenum 51
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-chdr
kdevelop (core): factory = 0x8a6c848
kdevelop (core): Encoding: , extension: 0x8ed3908
kdevelop3: void MainWindow::slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)
kdevelop3: slotCurrentChanged***********************************+
kdevelop (core): *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged() -- OK
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/filter/filter/src
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (history): history-length=8
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): PartController::contextPopupMenu() will return
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): EditorProxy::installPopup called with popup =
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile
kdevelop (core): [virtual void PartController::editDocument(const KURL&,
int, int)] file:/home/andsa/filter/filter/src/Interpolation.cpp linenum
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-c++src
kdevelop (core): factory = 0x8a6c848
kdevelop (core): Encoding: , extension: 0x8f373d8
kdevelop3: void MainWindow::slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)
kdevelop3: slotCurrentChanged***********************************+
kdevelop (core): *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged() -- OK
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/filter/filter/src
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (history): history-length=9
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): PartController::contextPopupMenu() will return
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): EditorProxy::installPopup called with popup =
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile
kdevelop (core): [virtual void PartController::editDocument(const KURL&,
int, int)] file:/home/andsa/filter/filter/src/ImageManipulation.h
linenum 0
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-chdr
kdevelop (core): factory = 0x8a6c848
kdevelop (core): Encoding: , extension: 0x8fbb6d0
kdevelop3: void MainWindow::slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)
kdevelop3: slotCurrentChanged***********************************+
kdevelop (core): *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged() -- OK
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/filter/filter/src
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (history): history-length=10
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): PartController::contextPopupMenu() will return
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): EditorProxy::installPopup called with popup =
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile
kdevelop (core): [virtual void PartController::editDocument(const KURL&,
int, int)] file:/home/andsa/filter/filter/src/ImageManipulation.cpp
linenum 65
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-c++src
kdevelop (core): factory = 0x8a6c848
kdevelop (core): Encoding: , extension: 0x901c9e8
kdevelop3: void MainWindow::slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)
kdevelop3: slotCurrentChanged***********************************+
kdevelop (core): *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged() -- OK
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/filter/filter/src
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (history): history-length=11
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): PartController::contextPopupMenu() will return
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): EditorProxy::installPopup called with popup =
[KPopupMenu pointer (0x8247118) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile
kdevelop3: subversion : restorePartialProjectSession
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting project opened
kdevelop (core): CvsPart::slotProjectOpened() here!
kdevelop (cvs interface): Project has no CVS Support: too bad!! :-(
kdevelop3: subversion :projectOpened
kdevelop (grep view): GrepViewPart::projectOpened()
kdevelop (cpp support): projectOpened( )
kdevelop (cpp support): CppSupportPart::setupCatalog()
kdevelop (cpp support): ProblemReporter::configure()
kdevelop (cpp support): =================> integrate document: 0x8a7a408
kdevelop (cpp support): enabling code completion
kdevelop (cpp support): =================> integrate document: 0x8bb4fd0
kdevelop (cpp support): enabling code completion
kdevelop (cpp support): =================> integrate document: 0x8c43ee0
kdevelop (cpp support): enabling code completion
kdevelop (cpp support): =================> integrate document: 0x8ce8bf8
kdevelop (cpp support): enabling code completion
kdevelop (cpp support): =================> integrate document: 0x8d5c028
kdevelop (cpp support): enabling code completion
kdevelop (cpp support): =================> integrate document: 0x8dde708
kdevelop (cpp support): enabling code completion
kdevelop (cpp support): =================> integrate document: 0x8e555c8
kdevelop (cpp support): enabling code completion
kdevelop (cpp support): =================> integrate document: 0x8ed5b50
kdevelop (cpp support): enabling code completion
kdevelop (cpp support): =================> integrate document: 0x8f35b10
kdevelop (cpp support): enabling code completion
kdevelop (cpp support): =================> integrate document: 0x8fb97b0
kdevelop (cpp support): enabling code completion
kdevelop (cpp support): =================> integrate document: 0x90182d0
kdevelop (cpp support): enabling code completion
kdevelop (cpp support): CppCodeCompletion::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (cpp support): CppCodeCompletion::slotActivePartChanged() --
kdevelop (cpp support): CppSupportPart::customEvent(2000)
kdevelop (cpp support): CppCodeCompletion::computeRecoveryPoints
kdevelop (cpp support): found 8 recovery points
fun: f2()
kdevelop (filecreate part): Found global template info info
kdevelop (filecreate part): Reading global template info...
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Blank file
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Python
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Ruby
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: QT Designer
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: subtype
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: subtype
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: subtype
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: subtype
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: subtype
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: subtype
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: subtype
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: subtype
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: C++ source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: C source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: C/C++ header
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: PHP
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Java source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Ada spec
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Ada body
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Fortran source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Preprocessed Fortran
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Fortran77 source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Fortran90 source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Fortran95 source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Preprocessed Fortran
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Fortran77 source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Fortran source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Perl script
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Perl module
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Pascal source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: subtype
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: subtype
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Pascal source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: subtype
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: subtype
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Delphi project
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: flex C source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: flex C++ source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: bison C source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: bison C++ source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Doxygen documentation page
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Haskell source
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
kdevelop (filecreate part): node: Qt Linguist translation
kdevelop (filecreate part): subnode: descr
the it start parsing, like
kdevelop (cpp support): newly parsing (/home/andsa/.../fil.h) ...
Have anyboda an idé what the problem can be?
best regards
// anders
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