kdevelop and OCI libraries

Stefano Rosanelli stefano.rosanelli at tin.it
Tue Mar 30 13:17:37 BST 2004

Alle 12:06, venerdì 26 marzo 2004, hai scritto:
> gcc  -I/home/mauro/OraHome1/rdbms/demo
> -I/home/mauro/OraHome1/rdbms/public -L/home/mauro/OraHome1/lib 
> -lclntsh -lwtc9 -o mio6 cdemo1.c
> but the same code cannot be compiled from Kdevelop
> i dont' know if i must add some options to gcc compiler and how to do
> it.

It depends on the project type.
Using AutomakeManager you can set include path (-I option) in  
subproject->Options...->Includes (right click on subproj or click 
options button)
and libraries (-l, -L options) with 
- target -> Options -> Libraries (same...)

Please read the chapter "Building and Project Management"
on the documentation

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