How to create a project from binary sources

Bernd Pol bernd.pol at
Sun Jul 18 11:50:03 BST 2004

Am Sonntag Juli 18 2004 11:17 schrieb Bernd Pol:
> I had a short look at that older player-src-1.3.2.tar.gz but did not
> yet try to import it into KDevelop.

I imported this one as a generic C (automake based) project, configured 
and compiled the project. There is a bunch of unresolved identifier 
errors in the messages window, but I can look at the sources using the 
common F4 show next error key as usual.
No KDevelop issue, as it seems to be.

It has been compiled in the separate debug directory, however. Thus it 
_might_ be a sourcedir != builddir problem. But I don't have the time 
to get deeper at it.

Have a nice day,
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