Popup menu "Search in Documentation:..." does not work.

David Harel hareldvd at ergolight-sw.com
Mon Feb 23 08:42:02 GMT 2004

I did that many times already but it does not work. The only thing I 
find disturbing in this tab is that the "Index KDevelop books" is 
disabled. Could that cause the problem?

Alexander Dymo wrote:

>On Sunday 22 February 2004 23:17, David Harel wrote:
>>Sorry, I don't understand how to do it. I tried the menu:
>>"Setting/Configure Kdevelop" and selected Documentation tree but here I
>>do not know even which tab to select. The only place I could find
>>anything regarding index is the tab: "Full Text Search" but that does
>>not seem to help.
>That is the correct tab. Just check "Index ..." flags and set htdig, htmerge
>and htsearch executables. Then click "Update".


David Harel,


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