label/whatsthis elements in .kcfg

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Dec 15 16:46:37 GMT 2004

On 15.Dec 2004 - 04:48:07, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> I just created the first KConfig XT Settings dialog for my app. But I
> do not get ToolTip info's on the input widgets? As I understood the
> kconfig XT Tutorial these should be created from the label element of
> each entry, right? So do I have to call some function of the
> KConfigDialog to make these available?

solution to this is: RTFM, finally I found the kconfig_compiler help
page in the kdelibs-api part. I need to set "SetUserTexts" and
"ItemAccessors" in the kcfgc file.


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