Source file sharing between projects

Ralph A. Mack ralphmack at
Sat Sep 20 13:00:37 BST 2003

>>>> I come from the Windows programming world where the source file of a
>>>> project can be shared between projects. You put your classes in a
>>>> directory and when you include them in a project, they stay in the
>>>> directory they are in.

> yes I mean, you should include them manually.
> You could also add a further Include path to your
> project. -> -I thepath/xyz.h
> and then include xyz.h like that:
> #include <xyz.h>
> Or you could create symbolic links to your files:
> ln -s  ../oldprojectpath/THETARGET /mycurrentProjectPath/THELINK

It sounds like Mickael is talking about sharing .cpp files, not ,h 
files, between projects. This is common practice among some in the 
Windows environment. The cleaner solution is to extract the common 
files from both projects and build them into one or more .lib files, 
which are then shared. This practice is almost universal in the Unix 
world. Binding issues and disagreement between vendors around how to 
decorate function names made this punitive in the Windows environment 
at one time, but that has been pretty well straightened out now.


On Saturday, September 20, 2003, at 12:28 AM, Tobias Gläßer wrote:

> Hi  Mickael,
> yes I mean, you should include them manually.
> You could also add a further Include path to your
> project. -> -I thepath/xyz.h
> and then include xyz.h like that:
> #include <xyz.h>
> Or you could create symbolic links to your files:
> ln -s  ../oldprojectpath/THETARGET /mycurrentProjectPath/THELINK
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I come from the Windows programming world where the source file of a
>>>> project can be shared between projects. You put your classes in a
>>>> directory and when you include them in a project, they stay in the
>>>> directory they are in. When including files in a KDevelop project, 
>>>> the
>>>> files are copied to the project directory. I find that very annoying
>>>> since a utility class can be used in a lot of project and when you 
>>>> make
>>>> a change in the class you have to copy the newer version to all your
>>>> project dir to have the latest version of you class available.

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