Gideon doubt

jjnievel at jjnievel at
Fri Oct 3 20:35:19 BST 2003

> first: I'd like to organize my proyect using folders, just as I used to
> do in KDevelop 2.1.x, if I'm not clear take a look to the Gideon source
> tree and you will see that this is organized in folders

I'm pretty sure gideon has no problem with this.  When you create a new
file, it asks you the path you want.

> second: In the proyect configuration, where can I specify that I don't
> want debuging information in the exectable?

I don't think gideon will build with debugging in the default setting,
although I could be wrong.  I think what you want to check is the
"Configure Options" in "Project Options."  It should give you the CFLAGS
and CXXFLAGS under the C and C++ tabs.  You'll want to make sure that -g
isn't in the list.


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