RH9.0 and Gideon

Derrick Snowden Derrick.Snowden at noaa.gov
Fri May 16 14:54:58 BST 2003

Hi all, 

Does anyone have experience compiling Kdevelop 3 with Red Hat 9.0? 
Typically, when a new KDE version is released, I wait until the
redhat-kde project at source forge creates new RPMs modified for the Red
Hat alteration of the KDE paths.  I wasn't able to compile KDevelop 3
and most of the errors indicated that it couldn't find kdelibs and qt
libs.  Are these two problems identical? If so, is there any effort to
create a Red Hat rpm for any of the beta releases of KDevelop 9.0?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Derrick Snowden

Derrick Snowden <Derrick.Snowden at noaa.gov>

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