kde versions
Cornelius Kölbel
cornelius.koelbel at gmx.de
Fri Jun 13 22:51:06 BST 2003
I developed a project under RedHat 9. That is kde 3.1 and kdevelop 2.1.5
and Qt 3.1.1.
I startet this project under kde 3.0. I updated to the new versions
But now, someone else tries to compile the project unter SuSE 8.0 (That
is kde 3.0.x and Qt 3.0)
When running configure he fails, The configure script is compaining
about a missing qt 3.1!!!
I never said to use 3.1.
How can I handle this? At which point did I force to 3.1 without having
known it?
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