Broken File Groups in Gideon

David Wartel dwartel at
Wed Jul 2 09:38:44 BST 2003

same problem for 2 months.
My groups aren't recognized and almost every files are in one group.

On Mon, 2003-06-30 at 17:32, Constantine Gavrilov wrote:

> I have just tried Gideon Alpha4a because of its promissed features (I am 
> mainly interested in debugger console).
> I think the whole File Groups thing is broken. I am unable to provide 
> multiple regexp expressions as with Kdevelop 2.2.x. I have tried 
> different combinations (fro example, "*.h, *.H", "*.h|*.H", "*.h,*.H")  
> but whenever I have a combination of expressions, it does not work. 
> Also, expressions containing directory names do not work either, which 
> is a real pain for me. Both of these worked in older kdevelop.
> Also, "All project files" view does not show any files if File Groups 
> are not defined.

David Wartel <dwartel at>
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