what do those functions do? (kdevelop 20030121)

Marek spec at webtech.pl
Wed Jan 22 15:37:44 GMT 2003


 I'm new to kdevelop and I'm interested in developing with this ide. I
currently use delphi and kylix.

 Could somebody please explain what the following functions of kdevelop do?
preferably by examples?

 In gideon options:
  C++ Parsing:
   why would I need enable background parsing and what does the slider below
it set?

  also in Documentation tree -> General
   what is: Enable KDoc kdelibs documentation?

 In project options:
  c++ specific -> class store
    what is: enable persistent class store?
    what is: enable pre-parsing?
  c++ specific -> code completion
    what is: enable code hinting (how does it work?)?
      it says it supposed to show somewhere on the screen but I never saw it.

Thanks in advance,

Marek Januszewski

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