Beginner question concerning SuSE 8.1 and KDevelop

Robert robertLinux at
Sat Feb 1 18:12:12 GMT 2003

I have SuSE 8.1 linux installed. It came with KDevelop 2.1.3.

Unfortunately if I create a new project and choose "Run" I get the following
error message: 
gmake: /home/my account/Develop/Test: File or Directory not found
gmake: ***no Rule to create /home/my account/Develop/Test. Finished.
*** failure ***

I have not modified any source code yet, but I think that the code is
supposed to run out of the box.

What shall I do? Shall I upgrade to KDevelop 2.1.4? Or even 3.0?

If I upgrade, can I use apt to automagically have an current KDevelop
version on my machine? As far as I see, Yast online update doesnt offer

What is the difference between the Slackware edition and the other at

Thanks for help,

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