Newbie Questions (kdevelop)

euphorix u4x at
Sat Nov 16 19:36:55 GMT 2002

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

>On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 08:49, u4x wrote:
>>I'm just wondering if this is the correct forum to post starter 
>>questions for KDevelop. I am a programmer coming from the WindowsXP 
>>operating system and C# with the .NET framework, and I have completely 
>>ejected myself from the Microsoft world to start learning things the 
>>linux way for the future. So far this is just going to be a hobby, I 
>>just changed work and arent going to be doing any programming as a 
>>breadmaker, but I still really want to learn how KDevelop works (and I'm 
>>more referring to KDevelop3, Gideon)
>Your situation is not unique, my friend.  There are quite a few
>professionals that have had to leave their chosen fields of expertise in
>order to put food on the table.  It is something I've had to do myself. 
>We all (if the truth be told) have not really recovered from the tech
>stock crash in the fall of 2000.  Then Sept 11th kicked us in the ass. 
>Things are still wobbly; but you are to be commended for looking forward
>into the future when Linux will rule the world, and Linux expertise will
>all of a sudden be in short supply.  Your perception of the future to
>come is impressive.
Well, I just see that the differences between Windows and Linux, dont 
stop at the codebase and the functionality. The community is absolutely 
black & white. Last week I paid Transgaming to work on WineX... I didn't 
pay FOR winex, I pay for them to work. That's an amazing concept that 
SHOULD revolutionize the way we think about computers and software. 
paying for code is ridiculous, paying for someone to work on the code, 
now that's... truely amazing.

>>If this is not the correct forum, could you please refer me to the 
>>correct one? i'm having a bit of a hard time finding the proper forums 
>>to discuss my issues (like, where's the KDE3.1 forum so that I can 
>>finally find out why Antialiasing doesn't work in Mandrake Cooker!)
>>Fellow KDEer :)
>The short answer is that this is the correct forum for Kdevelop related
>stuff.  Kdevelop is one (if not the) of the best programming interfaces
>on the planet today.  But it's too bad the moderators can't keep the
>list members from being spammed. :/
>(E lover with the KDE leech switch turned on)  ;)

Ok so then my questions will come to this forum. I am having a hard time 
getting the documentation all together for KDevelop, and without docs, 
i'm pretty much out to lunch with it so can someone point me in the 
right direction, like a website or something that helps you figure out 
where to get all the docs, I tried to compile the docs from kdelibs 
source package, but that was just a big mess. i have no idea where 
srcdoc needs to be put.

And that goes for the QT docs as well, and whatever else docs I will need.

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