How do I reconize a Mouse Click inside a canvas?

Eric Klumpp eric.klumpp at
Mon Jun 17 22:50:20 BST 2002


I recently used the canvas !
To use the mousePressEvent, I do as it is rapidely explained in the Qt 
help for QCanvasView : I have done my own sub-class of QCanvasView that 
I named TView_Canvas, and I added the protected method declaration 
"virtual void contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)", and its 
definition as explained.

My project is a SDI, but emit a signal in this method should certainly 
resolve your problem !


PS : I use Qt 2.3.1, it is perhaps different on an other version

Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira Filho wrote:

>	I want to reconize a mousePressEvent in a QCanvasView from outside the 
>QCanvasView. How do I do that. My program is a MDI. Do I have to make a new 
>QCanvasView class a a new QCanvas class?
>MainWindow class
>		View class
>			CanvasView
>			mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*)
>				// Here I must reconize when the Canvas was clicked
>		Doc class
>			Canvas
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