code completation

Noa Cantin cantin at CERCA.UMontreal.CA
Thu Jul 11 21:02:00 BST 2002

On 11 Juillet 2002 15:42, you wrote:
> Harald Nikolisin wrote:
> >hello
> >
> >I am working only a few days with KDevelop, so maybe my question is
> > formerly discussed (sorry, if that is really the case).
> >
> >the code completation (combo box with member of the class) works only for
> > my own classes, not for the QT classes.
> >Is it not implemented yet, or is my KDevelop misconfigured?
> The implementation of your wish exists. See the Patches page on
> See also the reason why 2.1.x only provides code
> completion of the .kdevprj itself.
> Ciao
> F at lk
I personally would be interested to include not only the local classes to my 
project and the qt and kde classes, but the classes from other libraries
as well. I understand the time limitation at startup, but looking up manually
for the methods in classes is even more a burden for me. Is there any solution
to come?


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