-O1 instead of -O2
W. Tasin
tasin at fhm.edu
Fri Jan 4 17:56:29 GMT 2002
Franco De Angelis wrote:
>Hello Walter,
>>modify your configure.in.in
>>aasuming you are talking of c++ project and not c-project
>>insert this line after the AC_CHECK_COMPILERS
>my project is actually a C project :-)
>I tried to add this line:
>after the line:
>in my configure.in and it seems to work correctly! :-)
>Also, compiling from within kdevelop produces nicer messages
>("-O1" instead of "-O1 Wall -O1") :-)
>Thank you!
Hello Franco,
"Perche' continuano a costruire.... e cosi' la seconda storia che vi
voglio raccontare: " (A. Celentano)
;-) SCNR
it only seems to work correctly... if you wanted your application almost
platform independent you might not kill some flags, which would come up
on other architectures.
In this case you are doing so... even the --enable-debug switch won't
work anymore using your solution.
For your problem with c-projects you also need a special "special.m4.in"
(follows in the attachment) for your toplevel project directory, which
introduces the NOOPT_CFLAGS.
NB: I hope your project was created with kdevelop >= 2.0.2
oohhh sveglia.... il mondo e' ammalato, ma x colpa di chi.........
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