Please test KDevelop from CVS for upcoming version 2.0.2

August Hörandl august.hoerandl at
Sun Oct 28 13:02:24 GMT 2001

"F at lk Brettschneider" wrote:
> Hi,
> The CVS-version of KDevelop on branch KDE_2_2_BRANCH contains an
> improved version of the debugger now.

just a kde-mini with some buttons:
 one button to quit:
   connect(PushButton1, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(close()));

run - works ok
run with debugger - works, window closes, but thedebugger stays
active, the run button in the toolbar stays grey - i have to 
press the "anhalten" (stop?) button


************* Linux... Don't fear the penguins *************
August Hörandl                        august.hoerandl at

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