cpp_template and header_template

August Hörandl august.hoerandl at gmx.at
Tue May 22 20:03:47 BST 2001

Sven Bergner wrote:
> Hi folks,
> is it possible to define more complex cpp and header templates?
> I want to have a copyconstructor and an assignment operator in every class
> I hope someone can help me.

a little:
if you have got a new (after may 12) version of kdevelop 2.0:

classview / right click / add member function
clone button - select Templates in the upper listbox, select one of
the operators in lower listbox

forgot the copy constructor - should be easy, give me some days, its
a little busy around here


ps: for 3.0 i suggest a dialog (plugin ?) to add such patterns (non
assignment, all math operators, iostream ...) - just need some time
to check out the newest version and implement it ;-)

August Hörandl                  To have no errors
august.hoerandl at gmx.at          Would be life without meaning
                                No struggle, no joy
                                -- Brian M. Porter

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