AW: link object files
Heiko Leberer
Heiko_Leberer at
Fri May 18 09:18:24 BST 2001
Ralph Hesse wrote:
> Hi,
> no problem. I created the project within Kdevelop (version 1.3) and added
> the new files with Project->add new files. In the files are more than one
> class. It looks like that KDevolop is not regonizing that it has to compile
> and link the files to main. When I clean the project and do
> project->create(F8) with selected main function it is not compiling the
> other files. The header files are included in the main program.
Please check the following: if you succesfully added existing files,
those files should appear in the list of source and header files, the
corresponding classes should be listed in the class browser.
You can additionally verfiy this outside of kdevelop. If your project is
named xxx, then check whether you will find the existing files listed in
there should be a line
xxx_SOURCES = main.cpp ... <your additional .cpp files>
If this is not the case, your files have not been properly added to the
Best regards,
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