Doc in another language

Anne-Marie a-m.mahfouf at
Sat Jun 16 10:14:43 BST 2001


I would like to start a new project in another language that is to have the
doc and the interface in for example french. But I noticed that the language
folder created in /Doc is always "en".
How do I do to have french as the language?

Then (Redhat7.1) the french accents é, à, etc... are displayed in Qt
Designer but then disapear when I compile and run the project. I have the
accents in the KDE menus and everywhere else but not in Qt applications. Any

In fact, this is not for me but for a french guy that is in charge for the
development in his company and they want to switch from DOS to
Linux/KDE/KDevelop. This is really great and shows how terrific KDevelop is.
Therefore, I would like to help this guy and give him the right answers.
Unfortunately, I have a tooth infection and I am very tired and I can't sort
this out.

Thank you for your help, I attach the mail from that guy but it is in

a-m.mahfouf at
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