Documentation files with Gideon

Bernd Gehrmann bernd at
Wed Jun 6 10:59:48 BST 2001

On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, Ravikiran Rajagopal wrote:

> Hi,
>   Where do I set the path for KDE and Qt documentation paths? When I run 
> qt2kdoc and makekdedoc as specified in the README, it creates some files in 
> my $KDEHOME. I would like all users to be able to see the same files.

The configure script finds the KDE/Qt api documentation if they are
installed. In case they aren't in any standard location, you can give
an option (--with-kdedocsdir IIRC, but you can check with 
'configure --help').

> documentation in $KDELIBSSOURCEDIR/srcdoc. Where do I get the KDE 2 
> develpoment, STL and Libc documentation books?

You should get the STL and libc documentation if you check out and
install the KDevelop HEAD branch. For the KDE2 development book, 
I'm not sure yet about the kind of distribution. You can get the html
version of it at, but then you have to install it by
hand into $(kde_htmldir)/en/kdevdoctreeview/kde2book.


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