Wishlist KDevelop

Glandorf fj.glandorf at t-online.de
Sun Jun 3 09:03:26 BST 2001

Package:           kdevelop
Version:           1.4.1 (using KDE 2.1.1 )
Severity:          wishlist
Installed from:    Linux RedHat 7.1
OS/Compiler notes:


Currently KDevelop supports just two templates for creating new source
files ( with .cpp and .h extension ). I thing it would be great to have
more options available. The idea is to put several files in the
../templates directory with a naming sheme which reflects what template
is used for a file with a specific extension.
For exsample the file containing the template for source files with the
.h extension could be named  templ.h
or h.tmpl. So the user has the opportunity to create differtent
templates for .h++, .hxx, .hpp files and so on. When a new file is
created KDevelop  searches the ../templates directory for a template
file wich corresponds to  the extension of the new file. If no template
is found, no template is inserted.

Best regards, have a nice Whitsun

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