Xlib extension "RENDER" missing on display ":0.0".

Eva Brucherseifer eva at rt.e-technik.tu-darmstadt.de
Sun Jul 15 15:14:38 BST 2001


> > In your last email you told me that the reason I was getting the, 'Xlib
> > extension "RENDER" missing on display ":0.0". ', message was because I
> > was using XFree 3.x.  I use RedHat 7.1 which I believe uses the
> > XFree86-4.0.3-5.i386.rpm package.  So is something more sinister lurking
> > behind the scenes or have I missed installing some packages?
> Then, your XFree-4 is compiled without RENDER extention
> You can check with "xdpyinfo". The problem is now that your qt-package is
> compiled with   "-xft" (antialiased fontrendering) with _needs_ RENDER.
> This is called BadHat packaging;-) Use a better distribution or compile
> from source.

It is not only a matter of packaging. Maybe XFree4 and QT are both compiled 
with the RENDER extension. This enables you to use antialiased fonts, but you 
are not forced to. If you switch to antialiased fonts, you won't get this 
messages anymore, but the fonts usually have to be re-configuered in KDE 
(->control center). You also should install some truetype fonts such as the 
microsoft fonts.

If you don't want to do this, you simply leave the system as it is - there is 
no problem with that. Just ignore the message.


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