Noch einmal Projektsuchpfade "UNDEFINED REFERENCE"

Marco Keuthen marco at
Thu Jul 12 08:23:34 BST 2001

Hi August,

> okay - this is an english speaking list

oh, sorry. Thougt it was a german list.
I will proceed in english :-)

> short english summary of the question:
> marco has used -Ipath to specify some .h and .cpp files - the problem:
> the
> .cpp files aren't compiled and linked
> [...]
> thats why kdevelop likes all source files to be in the project directory
> -
> and not distributed everywhere
> short:
> you have to copy the files into the projekt directory: try
> kdevelop/project/
> add existing files - which copies the files to the right place and
> includes
> them into the project; so they are compiled and linked into the result

Yes, when I add them to my project it works.
If this is the conclusion, then I have got a problem - and so many other 
programmers who code with classes that they want to use elsewhere. To copy 
them into the project's directory will cause redundancy.

Ie. you code a class and a test proggy to check the methods of the class - 
you must copy the class into the (test)project's dir.
There must be another way. Perhaps I should try to make libraries out of the 
If you have any information regarding libraries and KDev it would be nice if 
you could tell me. Perhaps there are some strange behaviours too :-))

I just startet coding in C++ this month. At my former job I coded Assembler 
and Pascal / Delphi. So I just getting started to understand the compiler / 
linker method of C++ :-))

Tschüss Marco

 Programmers don't DIE, they just GOSUB with no RETURN!

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