Newbie question !

David BOURIAUD david.bouriaud at
Thu Jan 25 16:19:15 GMT 2001

Hi to all !
I've waked up and found time to develop once again with kdevelop. Yes,
I've done quite strange choices, since I'm running SuSE Linux 6.4 with
kdevelop 1.1 under GNOME. Yet, I don't care, since I'm the only one
using X. So I've made a new project so as to create an new application
for terminal. Kdevelop works fine, but I've been disturbed by this
simple fact : how can I create a ncurse app ??? There is no way to do so
when creating a new project, and I haven't found the way to add the
ncurse library to the makefiles. Where should I tell kdevelop that this
project uses this library ? 
Thanks for your help anyway. 
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