Including extra libs question

Shridhar Daithankar chamanya at
Tue Jan 23 07:41:04 GMT 2001


1/23/01 1:57:30 AM, Johan Maes <on1mh at> wrote:
>Once I make a source distribution, the extra includes and extra libs are gone.

You can include extra files such as include and libraries using Project->Add existing files. Give the file paths in configure command line.

Then in File tree view, right click on the files and select properties. Check the install files option and specify directory as {PREFIX}/include for include files and 
{PREFIX}/lib for libraries...

You can see kdevprj file for the explanation..

>On the same topic: When the user has a different path to the include files, 
>does he give ./configure an extra option?

I suppose yes, unless they are included in the distribution as suggested above...



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