Unable to create KDE2/QT2 projects

Chris Wallace RanchHard at netflash.net
Sun Jan 14 05:06:58 GMT 2001


I recently upgraded qt to 2.2.3 and kdevelop to 1.4 (the file I downloaded was kdevelop-2.1-beta1.tar.gz).  However, now I am unable to create KDE 2 (mini or normal) or QT 2 (SDI or MDI) projects.  KDE 1.1.* and c/c++ projects will create fine and I have not tried the gnome project.  The problem as far as I can see is that kdevelop can not find admin.tar.gz.  This file is in /usr/share/apps/kdevelop/templetes with the others, such as c.tar.gz, mini2.tar.gz, etc.

I searched through the mailing list archives; however, the only solution that I have found was to make sure that this file is present in KDEDIR/share/apps/kdevelop/templetes which it is.

I would be greatful for any solutions or suggestions,

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