[2] FW:Re:[2] Additional compiler parameters

Hex hex at kiwwi.hu
Wed Feb 21 13:55:12 GMT 2001

Ralph-Peter Noll <rpnoll at gmx.de> wrote on 2001. 02. 21. 13:58:37:
>I am still experimenting myself. What youz enter in the compiler options
>dialog box does not appear in the makefiles. Try 
OK, I got it.
But why the configure don't gets these parameters from the project file ?
It would be better, isn't it ? Why I should specify these flags twice (in the
project and when compiling outside of KDevelop) ?

Would you tell me how can I search in the list archive ?
And what words should I search for (things can have more than one name) ?


	Zoltan Perhacs

> export CXXFLAGS=...
>before configure and watch what happens. also have alook at tha compiler
>manpage and the mailing list archive
>> >I don't understand.
>> >What environment variables ?
>> >The configure script should review the system parameters
>> >and modifies the makefiles accordingly, as I know.
>> >The problem is, that the configure script recreates the Makefiles, which
>> >contains these additional parameters, as I think.
>> >The project file contains these parameters, but the configure doesn't
>> >writes them to the Makefiles.
>> >Am I right 
>sure. CXXFLAGS goes into teh created makefile
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