Tutorial about implementing QT Designer dialogs ?

Ralf Nolden nolden at kde.org
Sun Feb 11 16:54:36 GMT 2001

Daniel Molkentin wrote:
> On Sunday 11 February 2001 00:59, you wrote:
> > women.kde.org will lead you to annma´s tutorial. Well, danimo updated
> > the english manual for that so you may have a look there as well (just
> > reset your language to default)
> Any objections to link anmas docus in the manual?
Yes and No. The Manual does the trick I think, annma´s tutorial needs a
good rewrite for various parts especially how to add the ui file to a
kdevelop project (i.e. to say "File" - "New" in KDevelop, then select Qt
Designer file and just open that, then reimplement the virtual slots of
the designer dialog in a Class derived from the class the uic delivers
automatically by project management during the build process)

Mind that Thorsten Evers will also copy the manual part about desinger
into the german version, so please don´t let it get out of sync again.

Finally, even I have to admit that being myself was the best thing
that ever could have happened to me. - Le Grand Charmeur

Ralf Nolden

The KDevelop Project

nolden at kde.org
rnolden at kdevelop.org

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