Kdevelop vs. KDE Studio
ljp at llornkcor.com
Thu Aug 16 17:47:24 BST 2001
At 16:59 8/16/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>On Thursday, 16. August 2001 15:52, you wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am now coding for 1 Month under Linux with KDev (since yesterday under
> > 2.0) and I am still not happy with that IDE.
> >
> > Today I installed KDE Studio (from The Kompany)
> > Does anyone tested them both and can give me a hint what's the "better"
> > IDE?
Kdevelop is better, in my opinion. More little dodads. KDEStudio is
basically KDevelop anyway, without cool stuff like QT Designer,
documentation browser, and I dunno what else. Kdevelop is the best c++ IDE
your gonna get on linux.
I'm happily biased, I've been using kdevelop since .54.... er something
like that.
and it just gets better all the time. 'Cept for that nasty bug that resized
the IDE when compiling. Glad THAT's over! I had stopped using it because of
that bugger- show stopper for me.
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