qextmdi is it pure Qt or KDE?

Werner Modenbach modenbach at alc.de
Fri Aug 10 08:48:51 BST 2001

On Donnerstag,  9. August 2001 13:43 gigafalk at yahoo.com wrote / Am 
Donnerstag,  9. August 2001 13:43 schrieb gigafalk at yahoo.com:
> Werner Modenbach wrote:
> > Hi together,
> >
> > I created a new project based on qextmdi which is located in the
> > Qt-subdivision in the project wizard. When creating api-doc and giving
> > the qextmdi-path together with I got a documentation showing that
> > QExtMdiMainFrm is derived from Kde classes (i.e. KDockmainWindow).
> >
> > Does this mean I'm not able to export qextmdi projects under Qt to
> > windows?
> Yes, it's possible on Win32.
> QextMDI compiled with KDE2 support on (KextMDI) is linked against the
> kdelibs and uses KDockMainWindow and some other classes of them.
> QextMDI compiled with KDE2 support off is bigger than KextMDI because it
> contains a copy of the dockwidget classes.
> This is possible since KDock* classes are cross-platform as well.
Thanks Falk,

I grepped a bit through the sources and found the dummy... Headerfiles. This 
explains it all. Thanks again.

Also grepping the kdevelop sources showed me the way how to use the 
"addToolWindow" method and how it works. The documentation of qextmdi is a 
little poor. Is there any doc on the net? 
In my opinion it would be helpful for beginners in qextmdi (like me) to 
expand the template of qextmdi by including a toolwindow. This might be a 
common use case and on the other hand it's easy to remove if you don't need 

- Werner -

                    ALC Computertechnik GmbH

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   Werner Modenbach                     modenbach at alc.de

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