kdevelop crashes ...

Martin Poeppe martin at lfbs.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Tue Aug 7 07:39:27 BST 2001

i found a bug in the method 
void CClassTreeHandler::getCurrentNames

- if you left-click onto the main category in the class browser (e.g. 
"Klassen") kdevelop crashes, because this QListViewItem has no parent.
I fixed this for myself leaving the function if parent == 0.

Martin Pöppe
|  _     :  Martin Poeppe, Lehrstuhl fuer Betriebssysteme (LfBS) 
|_|_`__  :  RWTH Aachen,  Kopernikusstr. 16,  D-52056 Aachen 
  | |__) :  Tel.  :  +49-241-80-27699,  Fax: +49-241-80-22339
    |__) :  e-mail:  martin at lfbs.rwth-aachen.de [PGP-public-key]

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