KDE Libs sources path
Sascha Günther
s.guenther at lives.de
Sun Nov 5 12:06:05 GMT 2000
It sounds as if you where searching for the Documentation for the KDE-Libs (I
am not sure so far.
> When the dialogue asks for the `KDE Libs sources path' I think it is
> asking for the lib documentation path - is that right?
Nope it is asking for the path of the sources from your kde libs, as it says
:) . Install the source package from KDELibs... I think this should work...
> If so I used Kpackage to track down where they were installed (from the
> kdelibs sources RPM). The file listing shows them to be in
> /usr/share/doc/HTML/.... - so that is what I enter for `KDE Libs sources
> path' but setup keeps telling me that they are not there. I've tried
> all sorts of permutations - i.e.. .../HTML/default,
> ....HTML/en, to no avail.
It tries to use kdoc on the kdelibs, so it won't work to tell the HTML path
to the documentation, because kdevelop tries to create them... Be sure to
have the actual release of kdoc (while Suse e.g. provides an old version)
You can either set this path later, just cancel setup without setting the
path, kdevelop will start. If the files are there use Options/setup menu and
type in the doc-path there...
Sascha Günther
(s.guenther at lives.de)
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