kdevelop-unstable snapshots

Frank Nichols frank at thenichols.net
Sat Nov 4 07:24:45 GMT 2000

Duh, okay I am stupid - I saw the post you made on 2000-10-31 and tried the

:pserver:anonymous at finwal03.tu-graz.ac.at:/cv

server, but it wanted a password and I was tired and didnt check my CVSROOT 
setup... Anyway, I tried again after your polite rebute and it works - 


> It was discussed ages ago.  Tuesday.
> Go here:
> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kdevelop
> Read the thread 1.3CVS
> or try searching for "anoncvs server"

Better to stay silent and let people think you are an idiot 
than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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