kdehelp browser

Massimo Morin mmorin at schedsys.com
Thu Jul 27 21:02:14 BST 2000

sorry if I'm sending this to the mailing lists, but most of the people
are involved anyway.

I'm using kdehelp for all the help pages. I do not know what program
will be used for help viewer in KDE2.

Isn't it possible to add the search/find capability directly to the main
window? Maybe an extra entry aside of the "url". Or maybe a slidable
entry (like kpanel) that it is hidden when not requested. I find myself
to use more the search dialog than the entry for the url (that, btw, is
shown on the status bar anyway).

Mainly it is a royal pain to have the search window to appare and
disappare everytime you invoke a search.... and then you have to hunt
for it (window placing policy "smart"..... yeah, right!).

If you get at the end of the file then it asks to start from the
beginning (maye a beep is more than enought). If you say no, the window
disappares without giving you the chance to start another search. This
is driving me insane....
BTW, This is the same behaviour of kfm....
Please let me know if there is any effort to cahnge this stuff



  Massimo Morin                                _...__..-'
mmorin at schedsys.com                          .'
 (617) 484 2999 h                          .'
 (617) 512 0203 c                        .'   Airline
                                       .'    Solutions
            .------._                 ;        Today
      .-"""`-.<')    `-._           .'
     (.--. _   `._       `'---.__.-'
      `   `;'-.-'         '-    ._     Scheduling Systems Inc.
        .--'``  '._      - '   .       Three University Office Park
         `""'-.    `---'    ,          95 Sawyer Road
 ''--..__      `\                      Waltham, 02453 Massachusetts USA
         ``''---'`\      .'            +1 (781) 893-0390 x 126
      Senior       `'. '               http://www.schedsys.com
Software  Engineer   `'.

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