Fwd: KDevelop 1.2

Steven Suson suson at TuckerEnergy.com
Thu Jul 6 17:13:52 BST 2000

John Birch wrote:

> Hi
> I looked into this and found where it was going wrong. I put a patch on the
> kdevelop ftp incoming site. I forget what it was called now
> kdevelop-something-something.patch ???
> Have a look - there's 4 or 5 patches there for kdevelop1.2 - you'll want this
> one and another for the debugger about expanding variables.
> If you have problems let me know :-)
> jbb

I can't seem to find this. In fact, I can see no files at ftp.kdevelop.org. If
somebody could let me know where this and the other patches are, I could put
together kdk RPM's with them included (the ones that I am using already have a
patch for the dialog editor), and upload them to wherever (kdk 1.2.1'ish). It
seems there are a several very useful patches floating around by now...

Steven Suson
"Keep the faith."

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