KDevelop for KDE2 MDI?

Pascal Francq pfrancq at ulb.ac.be
Thu Feb 24 14:53:51 GMT 2000

I am currectly work with KDevelop 1.1 on KDE 1.1.2.
Actually, it is possible to see only one file at time. I supposed it's because
KDE1 has not a MDI support.
But KDE2 will have one, so the question is if KDevelop will then be MDI?

Ir. Pascal Francq
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Faculty of Applied Mechanics
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50
CP 165/41
B-1050 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-650 47 65
Fax +32-2-650 27 10

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