Ken Brakey
brakeykr at poncacity.net
Sun Feb 20 02:20:15 GMT 2000
Serge Lussier wrote:
> HI,
> Sorry if this message does not address Kdevelop. It is for KDE2.
:-))) OK, did you send it to them?
> I downloaded KDE2alpha RPMs ( Febrary 13 )
> on my Mandrake 7.0 .
> everthing installed OK except that I had to do a soft link
> (libjpeg.so.6) to libjpeg.so.62.0.0
> But KDE2 refuses to start. I have about 20 of "error :Kdesktop" can't
> find mime type
> application/octet-stream dialog box errors, and KDE2 stops to init.
> Its very funny.
Mine does the same thing! And I don't think it is funny, not
much anyway.
> I also have "sorry, no mime types installed" dialog window errors.
> Can anybody tell me what I'm missing to get KDE2 to load and run ?
Mime types and octect streams?
> I've added "/opt/kde2/bin" to my PATH var. ( maybe it is useless )
> I explicitly call "exec /opt/kde2/bin/startkde" in my .xinitrc file.
> I have both KDE1.1.2 and now KDE2 alpha installed.
> And also kde 1.1.2 does not work anymore! (oops). I will /opt/kde2/bin
> from my PATH.
No need to, just change the KDEDIR and QTDIR.
> I deleted the old messages I had from the mailing list- thus I lost all
> the refs.
> I know that KDE2 is not for normal use but I though that I could use
> both version of KDE.
Not Yet! KDE2 is not yet ready for human consumption, just
for programmers. :-)
> And especialy I'm not enough patient to wait until this spring ... :-)
> I can start some of the KDE2 application like kscd. qtcopy seems to
> work OK.
> I have no error msg in sdterr about shared libs errors.
But there are lots of 'file.h not found' or 'file.h
obbsolete use otherfile.h'
it takes a while to sort all that out. :o)
> Thank you very much for your ...H-E-L-P!
your welcome
> Serge Lussier
> ICQ#53409121
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