[Slightly OT] Q about configuration and revision management

Florent Pillet florent.pillet at opteway.com
Fri Feb 11 08:46:01 GMT 2000

Stefan Mars wrote:

> At the time it occured to me that KDevelop and Kuml does form
> a nice set of development applications, but that there is one piece
> missing: Configuration and version management.
> Historically CVS is often used as a version management tool, but as far as
> I am concerned it isn't doing a really good job. Sure it works, but it is
> a pain in the --- to set up and maintain a repository when you have a lot
> of users that should have different rights. Even with some of the
> available GUIs it's only slightly better.

I _partly_ aggree with you. Me and my team are using KDevelop to do
professional development at my company and are pretty satisfied with it.
The only CVS problem that really hurts is the .kdevprj problem where,
you update from the CVS from within KDevelop, it can update the .kdevprj
project file which is later overwritten by KDevelop itself when quitting
the application.

This said, I think that it is possible to keep CVS and solve most of the
problem. All is a matter of a good user interface. CVS is an excellent
and widely spread product, and I'd favor the development of a very good
user interface for a CVS client which could also do admin stuff instead
of redeveloping a whole new version management system from scratch.

Also, remember that doing a good version management system is _hard_.
Why don't you take on CVS and add the features that you miss ?
After all, this is what open source is made for -- and the whole
community would benefit faster from your work!


Florent Pillet, Software Architect. e-mail: florent.pillet at opteway.com
opt[e]way S.A., BP 37, 80 route des Lucioles, ACTE Immeuble Delta
06901 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
Phone: +33 4 93 95 66 51 - Fax: +33 4 93 95 66 52 -

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