KDE PreAlpha 02052000 available RPM's and tar.gz

Christopher Molnar molnarc at nebsllc.com
Sat Feb 5 15:23:56 GMT 2000

Good Morning!

I have gotten a perfect build of KDE2 PreAlpha as of 02-05-2000. I am making 
this available at:



http://www.nebsllc.com (Follow links for kde2 Alpha binaries)

Please be kind to others trying to access the site, please do not download 
all the packages at the same time and walk away. There is a limited bandwidth 
on this machine.

Please read this whole message and the README file in the directory as well. 
If that doesn't give you enough info to install then you shouldn't be running 
and alpha version of software. Please also take a moment to subscribe 
yourself to kde-alpha at nebsllc.com (send request to 
kde-alpha-request at nebsllc.com) mailing list. This is an UNOFFICIAL kde-alpha 
list so that we can let you know about any problems or new availability.

These packages are available as -bin.tar.gz and RPM bundles. You do not need 
both.  Thesre packages, in the past, have been known to work on all 
distributions of Linux.

Also, there is a package named kdealpha-02052000-bin.tar.gz and 
kdealpha-02052000-1.i386.rpm these packages contain the full build. You do 
not need any of the other packages if you take either of these. (Sorry, you 
still need QT-COPY). These are VERY large, make sure you will not time out 
1/2 way through the download.

Install instructions for the bin.tar.gz's (since this is what I recommend):

get the packages (you must have qtcopy, kdesupport, kdebase, and kdelibs).
cd /
tar zvxf [path to package]
(repeat for all packages)

add QTDIR=/usr/src/kde/qt-copy and KDEDIR=/opt/kde2 to your exports

add /usr/src/kde/qt-copy/libs and /opt/kde2/libs to your ld.conf.so file and 
run /sbin/ldconfig -v

Enjoy and please report problems that you find!

Christopher Molnar
New England Business Services, LLC
Hartford, CT USA
molnarc at nebsllc.com

"It said uses Windows 95 or better, so I loaded Linux!"

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