temporary wrapper script / libtool problem

Ralf Nolden nolden at kde.org
Wed Dec 6 15:01:47 GMT 2000

Eggert Ehmke wrote:
> Hello !
> I am afraid this topic has been discussed already, however I did not find any references in the archive. I am porting my kde1 application to kde2, using kdevelop 1.3beta. The project compiles without errors, and the app runs as expected. However, it is generated as a wrapper script, the actual executables are in a .lib subdirectory. It seems that libtool thinks that some libraries must be relinked at runtime. How can I get rid of this ?
> Kernel 2.2.17, Qt1.45/Kde1.1.2, Qt2.2.2/Kde2.0.1
> Thank you
> Eggert
> --

as 1.3 uses the KDE /admin directory, you should update this in your
template. You can get that in the CVS repository kde-common. AFAIK the
.lib subdir isn´t used for binaries any more, however be aware that 1.3
beta has a flaw when it comes to loading the ui.rc file of the
application; this has been fixed by me yesterday.

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Oscar Wilde

Ralf Nolden

The KDevelop Project

nolden at kde.org
rnolden at kdevelop.org

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