multi-platform/cross-platform compilation with KDevelop?

Heiko Nardmann h.nardmann at
Fri Aug 4 06:45:44 BST 2000

I am currently reading through the "KDevelop 1.2 The Complete Manuals"
Currently I am in chapter 5 but looking at the table of contents I am
missing the possibility
to set up multi-platform/cross-platform compilation. That's how I
understand it:

multi-platform compilation: currently we have a project targeted at
HP-UX, Solaris, Linux and
Windows NT. The sources are hosted at the Linux machine (taken from
Visual Source Safe
on Windows via Samba). On the other Unix machines access to the sources
is given via NFS.
So on every Unix machine we have the same sources. To keep platform
dependent files
separate from each other platform the Makefile creates object, lib and
binary directories
depending on the name and release of the os and hardware of the
Now I wonder whether KDevelop can be setup the way that running KDevelop
on Linux enables
me to compile the sources e.g. on the Solaris machine? The platform
dependent files still have
to be separated into different directories.
This feature is offered by SNiFF+ as far as I know.

cross-platform compilation: additional to the feature above I would like
to compile for different
targets on my Linux machine, i.e. doing cross compilation simultaneously
to the native compilation.
How about that with KDevelop?
The platform dependent files still have to be separated into different

Heiko Nardmann (Dipl.-Ing.), h.nardmann at, Software Development

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