FYI : source navigator is now under GPL
William Gacquer
wgacquer at
Tue Aug 1 10:49:44 BST 2000
for of all, from the sources, you'll have to do something like "./configure
--prefix=/usr/local/snavigator", etc... followed by a "chmod -R a+r
/usr/local/snavigator" in order to fix some permissions bugs.
Here comes a .spec from Artem Kodush for the redhat 6.0 and rpm 3.0. That
should be easy to change for Suse use.
Summary: Source Navigator
Name: source-navigator
Version: 4.5.1
Release: 1
Group: Local/Development Tools
Copyright: GPL
Packager: Artem Khodush <kaa at>
Source: SN451.tar.bz2
%define install_dir /usr/local
%define source_dir %{_builddir}/SN451
%define build_dir %{_topdir}/zOBJDIR/SN451
Buildroot: %{_topdir}/zINSTALL/SN451
Prefix: %{install_dir}
Source-Navigator is a unique source code analysis tool that is ideal for
any situation where developers are working with an unfamiliar or complex
code base -- new engineers on projects, reengineering or code inheritance
situations, or large-scale, team driven projects.
Source-Navigator parses multi language code and builds a powerful database
of project symbol information. Then, with S-N's intuitive GUI, developers
can navigate and browse symbol tables, class structure, cross reference
realationship, inculde structures, and more. S-N also provides efficient
text search tools for strings in the project files as well as symbols in
the database.
With the APIs, S-N integrates into existing environments including
configuration management systems, as a framework for launching other tools
or IDEs, and allows direct access to the GUI and database for customized
%setup -n SN451 -c -T
cd ..
tar x --use-compress-program=bzip2 -f %{_sourcedir}/SN451.tar.bz2
rm -rf %{build_dir}
mkdir -p %{build_dir}
cd %{build_dir}
%{source_dir}/configure --prefix=%{install_dir}
cd %{build_dir}
make all-snavigator 1>log 2>err
rm -rf %{buildroot}/%{install_dir}
cd %{build_dir}
make prefix=%{buildroot}/%{install_dir} install-snavigator
#mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{install_dir}/doc/snavigator-%{version}
#mv %{buildroot}/%{install_dir}/html
cd %{buildroot}/%{install_dir}/bin
strip -s abrowser cbrowser dbcp dbdump dbimp fbrowser grep hyper jbrowser
obrowser tbrowser wish
-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy Meier [mailto:smeier at]
Sent: mardi 1 août 2000 11:03
To: kdevelop at
Subject: Re: FYI : source navigator is now under GPL
Am Die, 01 Aug 2000 schrieben Sie:
> Hy guys!
> As mentionned in the subject of this mail, Cygnus/Redhat wonderful
> Source Navigator is now under GPL. I do not have to tell that kdevelop has
> lot to learn from sn. But does the GPL license allow to grab some sources
> from one software to plug them into another?
Yes, it's allowed. :-)
> For instance, the cross-referencer and symbol browser from sn would
> be an essential feature in kdevelop 2.0.
BTW: Has someone a SuSE 6.4/6.3 binary version of sn? I didn't get compile
on my system. :-(
email: smeier at ICQ: 27681958
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