Segmentation fault on exit

Johnas @ Work jic at
Thu Apr 27 22:12:47 BST 2000

I recently resolved problems with creating and debugging a KDE MDI project (KScribble example) using KDE2.  So, I moved on to creating and debugging a Qt MDI project (QScribble example which is the same as the KScribble example only created by choosing Qt MDI project in the wizard).  I overcame two problems when the linker could not find the library.  I created a link to the Qt 2.1 library (in the /usr/lib/qt-2.1.0/lib directory).  Also, the autoconf warned about not finding the KDE2 libraries, so I added "--prefix=/opt/kde2".  That seemed to solve the build.  The program runs fine until I decide to exit.  When simply running the program I get a segmentation fault error.  When I run the debugger, the debugger stops at the "isLastView()" method.  The status line says:  "No source:  0x804fffa in QScribbleDoc::isLastView (this=0x1) at qscribbledoc.cpp:73".  I understand that the this pointer (=0x1) is invalid.  I did not touch this part of the code (it was generated by the wizard).  If I close the child window within the app, the same routine is called with a valid pointer.  This does not happen in the KDE MDI project (KScribble).  The two (KScribble and QScribble) source codes are almost identical.  Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Appreciate any help.


Johnas  Cukier
Principal Technical Staff
Mitsubishi Electric ITA
571 Central Avenue, Suite 115
New Providence, NJ 07974
Phone:  (908)665-1200 ext. 20
FAX:    (908)665-2414
email:  jic at
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