kdevelop crashes on own glimpsindexed database

Bartlomiej Jarocki bartek at itam.zabrze.pl
Wed Apr 12 17:50:56 BST 2000


What should be options for glimpseindex when I want to generate a search
database suitable for kdevelop. I want to do it manually because
Kdevelop doesnt remember extra search paths enetered in tools window. 

Anyway when I try it kdevelop crashes with following error messages

QGArray: Cannot allocate array with negative length
Segmentation fault (core dumped)      

I guess its the question of options in glimpsindex spawn in kdevelop.

I will appreciate any help.



BartĀ³omiej Jarocki         |  Instytut Techniki i Aparatury Medycznej
bartek at itam.zabrze.pl      |  Medical Technology & Equipment Institute 
tel/fax:(+48 32) 271 60 13 |  ul.Roosevelta 118, 41-800 Zabrze, Poland.

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