
Massimo Morin mmorin at schedsys.com
Wed Apr 12 17:31:28 BST 2000

	I'm looking for a quadsplitter widget for qt.

What it does is simple. Basically is like a qsplitter but keep in sync
the left-right, top-bottom area.
you can divide the frame in 2 parts (for example vertically)  and it
acts like a simple qsplitter 
If afterwards you divede it in other 2 parts (for example
- when you resize vertically both portions that are above
  and bellow the vertical splitter will be resized as well.
- when you resize horizontally both portions that are left and right
  of the horizontal splitter will be resized as well.
If you drag the center of the cross the resize will be for both
vertical and horizontal  frames.

The apparence should be very thin line like a line inside a spreadsheet
table, and it can allow to subdive vertically and horizontally as many
time as we want.

Did anybody implement such a widget?
Any comment on this?


  Massimo Morin                                _...__..-'
mmorin at schedsys.com                          .'
 (617) 484 2999 h                          .'
 (617) 512 0203 c                        .'   Airline 
                                       .'    Solutions 
            .------._                 ;        Today
      .-"""`-.<')    `-._           .'     
     (.--. _   `._       `'---.__.-'
      `   `;'-.-'         '-    ._     Scheduling Systems Inc.
        .--'``  '._      - '   .       Three University Office Park
         `""'-.    `---'    ,          95 Sawyer Road
 ''--..__      `\                      Waltham, 02453 Massachusetts USA
         ``''---'`\      .'            +1 (781) 893-0390 x 126
                   `'. '               http://www.schedsys.com
Software Engineer    `'.

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