can't creat search database for KDE-documentation

Lingchong You you at
Thu Sep 16 18:08:44 BST 1999

I've just installed KDevelop yesterday, and I'm amazed by
it's power & beauty! Great job.

Since I'm a total newbie for kdevelop, so my problem might
sound silly... but I can not get the documentations

When I click on the button "Creat" in the kedvelop setup
window, a new window pops up. Not knowing what else to do, 
I leave everything as they are, and click on "OK". A new 
window would pop out telling me the KDE-Documentaion-Path 
isn't set correctly. The source file of the kdelibs is
in "/usr/people/you/kde/kdelibs-..." , and the documentation
directory I give is 
so what's wrong?

When I click on the submenues in the "Help" menu in
kedvelop, the help files for the KDE libraries ( KDE Core, UI,
KFile, HTMLW, KAB, and KSpell) don't work (I guess it's 
because the documentations are not indexed correctly).

FYI, the OS of my computer is IRIX 6.5.5, and the 
KDE is 1.1.2.

How can I get this right?  Any suggestions are very

Thanks a lot!


        Lingchong  You

 Department of Chemical Engineering       
 University of Wisconsin-Madison
 Tel: 608/262-8450  Fax: 608/262-5434

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