Bug and idea

Massimo Morin mmorin at schedsys.com
Fri Sep 3 14:13:44 BST 1999

 the idea sounds good BUT my member are all prepended by m_ so I have
m_data e non data (if it is a static memeber it is s_ )
The get and set function are done in this way (in my company coding
class foo {
int m_data;
void SetData(int data) { m_data = data; }
int GetData() { return m_data; }

so as you can see we have different conventions! :(

Anyway, it should be cool to have that, and to have the BODY of the
method too (but careful on the = operator!).


Joe Nelson wrote:
> --bug--
> I declared a private data member like so:
> bool data[][];
> But it doesn't display in the classbrowser.
> --idea--
> After doing the following by hand, I thought it would be a very nice
> thing to automate. The user enters in the name and type of a private or
> protected variable, then the variable is be added to the class along
> with its public get_ and/or set_ methods.
> Does that sound cool, or stupid?
> --Joe

Massimo Morin                                .'
mmorin at schedsys.com                        .'
+1 (617) 623-4155 expires  9/4           .'
+1 (617) 484-2999 starting 9/4         .'
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